Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Origins Of Radio Chemistry

The Origins Of Radio ChemistryRadio Chemistry has been around for many years and has received much acclaim in the field of biology. It was originally developed in 1952 and has since become one of the most important and popular supplementary learning tools in the world. It has become a staple in biology education in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and many other countries. However, how did it originate?At first, the basic concept of Radio Chemistry was that it taught students about gas-phase chemistry and gas and vapour diffusion, including: benzene, helium, argon, ammonia, fluorine, nitrocarbons, dinitrogen tetroxide, neon, xenon, and xenon. Oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water were also introduced later. In later years, radio chemistry has gone a long way in teaching chemistry as well as it has in teaching the physics and chemistry behind such phenomena as chemical reactions and much more.It is thought that the two men who initiated the radio chemistry idea we re William T. Fuller and William Davenport. Fuller was an American chemistry teacher and Davenport a chemist who was in the US Army during World War II. Fuller was constantly studying and researching. This gave him a wealth of knowledge that allowed him to develop the first radio-controlled apparatus and develop other apparatus as well.As the idea of radio chemistry began to develop, the reasons behind it became clearer. Fuller wanted to better understand the chemistry behind chemical processes like chemical reaction and the study of chemical reactions. He wanted to create devices that would allow him to use his expertise and ability to observe and understand the chemistry of any substance he studied.Fuller's apparatus called the Jentzsch-Fuller apparatus was quite elaborate. It used electricity to turn off the atomization of chemicals and to let them vaporize. This gave him the opportunity to see what the reactions were doing. The point of this apparatus was to study the effects of a reaction that was taking place.Fuller also wanted to better understand the process of a chemical reaction and how the rate of it changed. By observing the rates of reactions from a distance, he was able to predict the speed of a chemical reaction. He even created an instrument that measured this rate by using electricity. With these observations, he was able to predict the rate of a chemical reaction much more accurately than his peers and colleagues.Fuller's invention gave him many opportunities to demonstrate the power of the chemistry and knowledge he had gained. He lectured widely on the advantages of his invention and used it to help improve the education of other scientists. Eventually, Fuller was the first person to receive a Nobel Prize for Chemistry. However, Fuller didn't stop there, he continued to develop radio chemistry and it has since become one of the most popular supplementary learning tools in the world.

Friday, March 6, 2020

10 Errors in Language Learning and How to Avoid Them

10 Errors in Language Learning and How to Avoid Them 10 Errors in Language Learning and How to Avoid Them Learning a new language can feel like youre walking in a minefield and trying to avoid errors at all costs.Theyre everywhere, and if you stumble on one, youre sure that everything you know about a language could blow up.Well, language errors might not be life-threatening, but its important to stay on the right path.There will be forks in the road and the wrong decision could lead you towards errors that will make you stumble in the learning process.Knowing what they are might help you dodge them.Thats where we come in!Keep your eye out for these 10 common errors, and you can safely enjoy the language learning journey ahead! Whats the Difference Between an Error and a Mistake?Its important to distinguish between mistakes and errors. Mistakes occur when you know a rule but violate it accidentally.  Hopefully, youll notice when this happens and correct yourself.Committing  an error means  unintentionally deviating from whats true.  These are a bigger issue.This post will be discussing the following two types of errors:Linguistic errors â€" A linguistic error happens when we lack knowledge of the rules of the language were trying to learn.  We havent learned enough about that language so we incorrectly implement rules.Much academic research exists on how and why these errors occur. If youre interested in the topic, you might read this article about the  types, causes and treatment of language errors.Perspective errors â€"  There can also be errors in the way we think about learning a language. Without knowing or understanding the process of learning a language, we assert false beliefs.Both of these are detrimental to language learning and should be avoided at all costs.10 Errors in Language Learning and How to Avoid ThemLinguistic Errors1. First language interferenceFirst language interference occurs when rules from your native language sneak in and affect your second language.Positive interference can actually improve your language skills. This occurs when you a ccurately apply rules from your first language that line up correctly with the rules of your second language.Negative interference is what you need to worry about. This occurs when you apply rules from your first language that dont match rules of your second language. This interference can create errors in your second language.Typically, these will show up in your speaking and writing when you try to implement structures from your first language like word order, grammatical gender or certain verb tenses.And although its impossible to know everything there is to know about your target language when you first start studying, you do want to find answers relatively quickly.That means that the best way to avoid these errors is through focused study. Ask yourself whats giving you the most trouble and make sure to set some time aside to get answers to your questions.As you get further into your language education, youll have an easier time distinguishing between the rules of your first and second language.2. PronunciationSome sounds in one language dont correspond to sounds in another, so these unfamiliar sounds can be hard to pick up.For instance, you may have noticed that many native Spanish speakers from Latin America struggle to make the th sound. Although you might hear this sound in Spain, the th sound doesnt naturally occur in Spanish in other regions.Whatever your target language might be, most native speakers will probably understand what you mean even if you dont pronounce every letter correctly. However, (especially in languages that use tones),  mispronouncing some words can cause confusion and will certainly be a clear signal that youre not a native speaker.The best way to combat these errors is through listening practice. The more you hear the sounds, the clearer theyll be. For particularly tricky sounds, you might even look for targeted lessons that focus on problem sounds. Many YouTube lessons cover tricky sounds, even going so far as to explain where to put your tongue.3. GrammarGrammar errors are the bane of any language learners existence. Theyre often a result of incomplete or inaccurate studying.For instance, Latin, Russian, German and Greek use the case system, which basically means that word endings change depending on each words role in the sentence. Since modern English has no equivalent, case systems are often difficult for native English-speakers to grasp.All the words can be the same between sentences, but if one word is in the wrong case, it can completely change the meaning of the sentence.To avoid grammar errors, its important to study not only grammar rules but also exceptions to these rules. Many languages have irregular verbs or other tricky rules that seem to violate the basic rules of grammar. While we can adjust to this fairly easily in our native language, it can be harder in a second language.The only way to learn and remember these rules is through careful study.4. VocabularyVocabulary errors occur when y ou lack a clear understanding of specific words. Even if youre an expert in grammar rules, not having enough words in your arsenal, or a clear understanding of a term, will impede understanding (false cognates, anyone?).While circumlocution (describing the word when you dont know the exact term) is one tactic when youre unsure of a word, more vocabulary study is a helpful way to prevent vocabulary errors. To ensure you use vocabulary properly, its particularly helpful to use resources that show you vocabulary in authentic contexts.FluentU is an ideal way to learn new vocabulary in context. FluentU uses authentic videos like movie trailers, music videos, news and more to improve your language skills. Each video is captioned, and the captions are annotated to provide you with a definition, associated image and example sentences. This is a perfect way to see how vocabulary is used in context. You can download the FluentU app for iOS  and Android or use FluentU online.5. Imbalance of sk illsBalance isnt just for yogis. Language learners need it, too.Lets pretend that you dont know how important each component of language is, so you skip over one entirely when you study. You prepare for your trip to Russia by speaking with a native speaker on a language exchange platform almost every day, but you neglect your reading skills. After a frustrating day around Moscow, you almost have a meltdown in the middle of Red Square. You cant read any of the signs!Be sure to make reading, writing, speaking and listening a priority in your target language studies in order to communicate fully. This is especially important if youre teaching yourself. You can do this by combining several resources or by finding a resource that focuses on a well-rounded education.Perspective ErrorsYou might have had a poor experience trying to learn a language before and need a slight attitude adjustment or some clarification. Some of the errors below might sound familiar to you and, hopefully, we can clear the air!6. Wrong languageWhen you choose what language to learn, youre choosing a life partner, so dont make the decision lightly.Choosing the wrong language can be demotivating and lead to you never meeting your goals. Thats why its important to consider your goals carefully before you start your learning adventure.For instance, if youre looking to learn a language for business, you might select a different language than you would choose if you were learning a language for travel. Motivation is key to language learning success and choosing the right language will keep the experience engaging.To ensure you select the right one, it helps to take some time to assess your objectives. If you need a little help, you might try this  advice from the Washington Post.7. Unrealistic expectationsIf youve tried to learn a language before and were unsuccessful, you might have unrealistic expectations. A lot of people expect immediate result, but this just isnt going to happen.So you werent able to have a full conversation with that German exchange student in college after one semester of German, and that upset you. But learning a language is a marathon, not a sprint.As long as you keep this in mind at the beginning, you can celebrate your successes rather than dwelling on how long it can take. If you go into it expecting immediate fluency, youre likely to be disappointed.How long it takes to learn a language will vary based on the difficulty of the language and your skill, focus and commitment. However, the Foreign Service Institute  estimates that languages take between 575 and 2200 hours of study to learn.8. Huge financial or time commitmentA lot of learners are turned off by perceived obstacles. Language-learning can seem too expensive or too time-consuming.However, this error in thinking can be quickly resolved. There are a plethora of options for language learners. If you truly want to learn a language, you can find the right resource for your needs.There are op tions for learners on a budget  and there are options that take only minutes a day. You dont need to let time or money stop you from fluency!9. Inability to understand native speakersThe first time you listen to a native speaker speaking your target language, you might just have an anxiety attack. Youre sure youll never understand them. This is particularly true if you listen without any supportive texts or translations.Language barriers exist, but you can overcome them. Its important to remember that everyone starts somewhere. Michael Phelps swam for many years before receiving any Olympic medals.Similarly, natural rates of speech seem significantly slower the more you study a language. What once seemed impossibly fast will one day feel like a normal pace.10. Dull resourcesSome learners have no idea that there are a variety of resources to choose from for learning languages and make the mistake of choosing the wrong one. You think about that old high school or college language text book and you shudder.Fortunately, youre not restricted to that anymore. Technology advances every day, which gives us an endless supply of resources to choose from. Or, if you prefer resources like that old  textbook, you have more than one option to choose from.Whatever you choose, its important to select your resources carefully. Youll want resources that exercise your reading, listening, speaking and writing, but youll also want to make sure these resources hold your attention and appeal to you. If you like a personal touch, you might try a private tutor.Watch out for these errors as you begin your studies in your target language.If you carefully weave your way through the treacherous path to learning, fluency will seem like a walk in the park! And One More ThingIf you really want to kick the dullness and problematic artificiality out of your language learning routine, youll love using FluentU. FluentU makes it possible to learn languages  from music videos, commercials, news a nd inspiring talks.With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that real people speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos, like movie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse ScreenFluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover over or tap on the subtitles to instantly view definitions.FluentU Interactive TranscriptsYou can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs quiz mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.

Learning to learn

Learning to learn If you are seeking to develop or improve your study skills, a private tutor can provide you with a great variety of formats and approaches. Learning how to manage your study time, scheduling and setting goals, prioritising tasks, planning assignments or improving exam revision techniques are all tactics that most private tutors are very familiar with. There are many different methods and you may find that one particular method suits you more than others. Below are just a few common techniques often used by tutors to aid learning. Flashcards are visual cues on cards. Many students make their own flash cards on which short summaries are written. For example, when learning a language you may use pink cards for feminine nouns and blue cards for masculine nouns. Spider diagrams are mainly used for planning or creating and provoking ideas. They can be useful for planning essays. They start with a central idea then branch out. Visual imagery for those of you who have a visual learning style, visual memory techniques will be your best aid. There are various methods but the Loci method is a system of visualising key information in real physical locations. Mnemonics are memory techniques that usually associate key words with numbers or vice versa. Every Good Boy Does Fine is an acrostic to remember the order of the treble clef notes on sheet music. E.G.B.D.F. First Tutors has a study skills category so why not contact a few specialised tutors today-You won't regret it!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

May Your Monday Be Short

May Your Monday Be Short Monday is always a day full of errands and homework for all of us. But, you need to stay strong. Perhaps, a cup of strong coffee will help. In case you need a tutor on any subject, you can find him on We provide detailed information about all tutors on our website, including tutor ratings based on feedback from the tutors current and former students. Have a nice day!

How Can One Be Licensed As a Lifeguard Without a Lifeguard Certificate?

How Can One Be Licensed As a Lifeguard Without a Lifeguard Certificate?It's a question most people often ask is there a way to learn how to legally use HGH with the HGS (the Health Caregivers Group) and Lifeguard Certification? Many people become curious about this matter as they see a person with a certificate they can't quite comprehend and ask where do you get the certificate. Unfortunately, the only legal means of acquiring this certificate and/or license in HGS and Lifeguard Certification is to be certified by an approved Lifeguard School.A licensed lifeguard must be highly qualified to perform his or her job with the highest safety standards. If you were to do HGS yourself without proper training, you could very well be endangering not only yourself but other patrons or even life on the water. Being legally allowed to use the medications without becoming a lifeguard is also an important consideration when it comes to helping our nation's health care system.Lifeguard Certificati on is a state mandated certification for many states, and many states have become more strict with regard to who is allowed to become a lifeguard. There are many requirements that need to be met before one is allowed to apply for certification. The first requirement is to undergo lifeguard training at the lifeguard school. The second requirement is to complete all online Lifeguard training from a fully accredited Lifeguard School before being allowed to apply for Lifeguard Certification.Anyone interested in applying for Lifeguard Certification should be highly qualified in many ways. First, they must have certain certifications like CPR or AED, or Certified Airway, and have taken and passed the CPR training. These certifications require a great deal of training, not to mention the cost of the certificate itself.Once a lifeguard has the proper certification, he or she will be allowed to perform CPR. If you are currently trained as a lifeguard, this would be the time to send your trai ning to anaccredited lifeguard school. However, if you're a beginner, you'll be a great deal more comfortable taking classes at a lifeguard school yourself, as there are plenty of online classes available. Make sure the course you take is the best and most efficient for your needs and goals.Even though it is easier to just learn and practice CPR at home, many people prefer to learn the legal means to effectively treat their clients while working on the water, and try to legally use HGH. Even though it's not recommended to do this at home, it is important to consider this route. Lifeguard Schools may provide some flexibility regarding how quickly a student is allowed to learn the HGH but keep in mind that no matter how well you learned it, without certification and a certification from an approved Lifeguard School, you can still be barred from using HGH as a lifeguard.Lifeguard Certification is important for all health care professionals, but especially those who perform CPR on peopl e in need of assistance. Without a license, one cannot legally practice CPR in public and cannot perform CPR on someone in need of it.

Finding a Chemistry Tutor NJ

Finding a Chemistry Tutor NJIf you are looking for a chemistry tutor NJ, the best thing you can do is look up different tutors in the Internet. You can search for one in your area or look for one that is located across the country. You can also check the online application if it is available to you.Once you have chosen a tutor that is available online, make sure you look at their credentials and how they have used their services before. To find a tutor that is good in their field, you will need to do a little research. Make sure you ask how many students they have taken in and whether they were successful in taking their students to their jobs. Check out whether they have a good track record.You should also ask the tutor if they use the computer or not. This can give you an idea of how easy they are going to be to work with. You may even get an idea of whether they know any other teachers, colleges or institutions they will be teaching in. These things will help you choose the right tutor for you.Once you have found a tutor that you think is the right one for you, the next step is to look into whether you have the room and the time to devote to the tutoring session. Some people can take the tutor in for a lunch break, others may not be able to do this. Find out what you are comfortable with and find out how much time you can devote to them.If you choose to work with a tutor, you will be required to meet the tutor and find out where you can meet in order to conduct the tutoring sessions. Ask if you can have the tutor meet you at a location you feel comfortable with and tell them you are meeting them. Don't think they will treat you badly if you are late, since this is a short-term deal.In NJ, it is possible to find tutors that work from home. This is especially helpful when you are working with a tutor that lives outside of the state. This way you can check your emails or surf the Internet at the same time you are being tutored.After you have found a tutor that you are comfortable with, make sure you have a few meetings scheduled with them in order to get to know each other better. It can be beneficial for both of you to meet once a week in order to share your experiences and learn from each other. You can also schedule an appointment to go over a homework assignment.

Alternate Interior Angles definition

Alternate Interior Angles definition When a line is intersecting the two parallel lines then the angles which are on the opposite side of the transversal line are called alternate interior angles. The alternate interior angles are always equal. The line which intersects the other two parallel lines are called as the transversal line. When one of the alternate interior angles is given it is easy to find out the other angles also. Following are the examples which are based on the alternate interior angles concept. Example 1: Two lines are cut by a transversal line and one angle is given as 110 degrees. Then find out the alternate interior angle of this angle. Solution 1: Given that two lines are cut by a transverse line then 4 alternate interior angles are made. We know that alternate interior angles are always equal. One of the angle is given as 110 degrees then the other angle is also 110 degrees. Example 2: Given that two lines are intersected by a transversal line and one of the interior angles is given as 100 degrees. Then find out the other angles. Solution 2: - Given that one of the alternate interior angles is given as 100 degrees. We know that the adjacent angles will sum up to 180 degrees so the adjacent angle would be 80 degrees. Now the required two alternate interior angles are 100 degrees and 80 degrees. So now all the interior angles are 100 degrees, 80 degrees, 100 degrees and 80 degrees.

Good Cameras for Shooting Video

Good Cameras for Shooting Video Which Camera Should You Use to Film? ChaptersWhy Buy a Camera to Film Video?What Makes a Good Camera for VideoThe Best Cameras for FilmingBudget Cameras for Filming“Give them pleasure. The same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare.” - Alfred HitchcockThere’s a long history of cinema in the UK.So what goes on behind the camera?Whether you’re using an entry-level compact camera or a high-end reflex, it’s never been easier to start filming.So which camera should you use?We’ve got the answers right here! AllanPhotography Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPhotography Teacher 5.00 (7) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TimothyPhotography Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Anosh nadeemPhotography Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ZangmoPhotography Teacher 5.00 (6) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RosiePhotography Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MattPhotogra phy Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AndyPhotography Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhy Buy a Camera to Film Video?New technology allows us to do everything with a single device. Smartphones, for example, can take high-quality photos and video. Similarly, while we used to use camcorders 20-odd years ago, now you can film with smartphones or digital cameras. Most modern digital cameras will also shoot video. (Source: klickblick)Amateur filmmakers need to start by choosing the right digital camera for film and for photos as you need something versatile that can do high-quality photos and video.  Versatility is key when it comes to your first camera.Being able to switch between high-quality photo and video modes is something filmmakers could only dream of in the past.The second advantage is that both your photos and footage will be of a really high quality. Of course, before we got there, there needed to be several technological revolutions. Today, the images captured by full-frame or APS-C sensors are better than what our grandparents could see through their telescopes.The beautiful imagery of Full HD from our cameras won’t immediately look like cinema quality. They’ll be fine for YouTube videos but it can be difficult achieving cinema-like quality.The depth of field is something you can get with a camera that you couldn’t with a ca mcorder. Depth of field can be used to focus on something while leaving everything in the background really blurry. This process is great for highlighting an important part of a scene and is great for cinematography.However, it can be difficult to use this technique with travelling shots. Cameras are designed with taking photos in mind. Travelling shots can make all of the above more difficult. Autofocus doesn’t work very well with a lot of movement and it can be even trickier for beginners to do this manually.Finally, it can be difficult getting good audio with the built-in mic. I recommend that you invest in an external mic to get better sound.When it comes to getting a camera for shooting video, it needs to be practical and record good footage.What Makes a Good Camera for VideoChoosing a good camera, and we mean a camera for both stills and video, there’s no hard and fast rule. Each user needs to work out what they need and the criteria by which to define a good camera. Some might want to get slow-motion footage whereas others may never use this functionality. Furthermore, you might be looking for something that’s good value for money. No two cameras are alike. (Source: Frantisek_Krejci)It might be tempting to get an expensive camera but in some cases, you really need some decent lenses to get the most out of the device. You can invest a professional-quality and expensive camera but without good lenses, you won’t get anywhere near its full potential.  You should know that larger sensors absorb more light.Finally, most cameras can now film in 4K, an image quality that’s hard to beat. That said, you don’t always need to film in 4K. In most cases, full HD will be fine.The Best Cameras for FilmingFujifilm, Sony, Panasonic, and Canon make the cameras that are in our top 5. They all have good image stability, shoot in 4K, and offer clean footage. Of course, new and better models are coming out all the time... The versatility of being able to use different lenses is a huge plus for certain models. (Source: andreas160578)Fujifilm X-H1This Fujifilm camera has been a competitor thanks to how good value-for-money it is. Expect to pay around £800 for just the camera (no lens). That said, it’s still one of the cheaper models on the market.This isn’t a reflex camera but rather a hybrid. Unlike DSLR cameras, it doesn’t have a full-frame sensor but rather an APS-C sensor. However, it has an ISO range of 200 to 12,800.ISO dictates the amount of light needed for good exposure. Of course, this can result in noise if set too high.The photo modes can offer 24.3 megapixels and the video modes can film at 30, 25, or 24 frames per second.Models with a lens will cost closer to £1,000 upwards.Check out our tips for shooting video.Sony Alpha 7Sony is becoming a bigger player when it comes to cameras and they make some models that do really good video. The brand’s hybrid camera has been lauded by cri tics for having a full-frame sensor and the same image quality as DSLRs but in a smaller camera body.Since the launch of the Sony Alpha 7, new models such as the Sony Alpha 7R III have been added to the range. This has an even better ISO range than the Fujifilm and goes up to 30,000 ISO. Of course, you have to pay for 4K footage.To get the latest model from this range, you’ll be looking at close to £2,000 without a lens. This can be quite the investment, especially if you’re just getting started.Panasonic Lumix GH5SThis camera is designed with video in mind and is really for those wanting to shoot video first and foremost and take a few photos on the side. You can film at 60, 50, 30, 25, and 24 frames per second.There are also different modes to shoot in. Finally, the ISO range makes up for its smaller sensor and goes up to 50,000. The downside... The lack of stabilisation integrated into the body.You’ll pay around £1,600 for the body on its own.Olympus OM-D E-M1Olympus came ras are famous for their comfort and the quality of the video they capture. This range of hybrid cameras come with a Micro Four Thirds (MFT) sensor and an ISO range of up to 25,600. The 4K video can be shot at 30, 25, or 24 frames per second.You can expect to pay around £1,300 for just the body. However, there’s a good offering of second-hand models available for much less.Nikon D850This is a little costlier than the other models in our list but the Nikon D850 is a great camera for those with a focus on photography first and foremost but it can also shoot good video. This digital SLR camera can cost around £2,000 for just the body.Budget Cameras for FilmingThe best cameras for shooting video don’t need to be expensive. You can still get decent cameras on a budget.Check out some of the accessories you can get for your camera.Sony DSC-RX100This cheap camera is great for shooting video wherever you go. While usually of a lower quality, compact cameras tend to be cheaper than any other type of camera. (Source: andri333)It can shoot at up to 50 frames per second and at 4K. They’ve managed to make a compact camera that can shoot expert-quality video.  You can pick up one for around £300.There are also the Sony RX100 II, III, or IV which have more options than the original model.Canon G7X Mark IIIA bit more expensive than the Sony, the Canon G7 Mark III with its little body can also film in 4K. At around £700, it’s really only for those who are passionate about their photography and their film but don’t want to carry around a bigger camera.If you'd like to learn more about photography and film, there are plenty of private tutors on Superprof who can help you. There are different types of tutorials for different budgets and learning styles so it's up to you which one you go for.Face-to-face tutorials are the most costly but are also the most cost-effective. With just you and the tutor, the tutorials can be tailored to you, what you want to learn, and your preferred learning style.Online tutorials are similar but instead of the tutor being there in the room with you, they'll teach you remotely using video conferencing software. While this is fine for academic and theoretical subjects, it can be trickier for hands-on subjects that benefit from having a tutor there in the room with you.Finally, there are group tutorials which tend to be the cheapest per student per hour. Since the cost of the tutor is shared amongst all the students in attendance, each student will be paying a smaller amount than they would in face-to-face or online tutorials. However, this also means that the lessons aren't as personalised as the other types of tutorials and you won't get as much one-on-one time with your tutor as they have other students to worry about.The choice is yours!

What are the Main Elements of Creative Writing

What are the Main Elements of Creative Writing The Crucial Things to Consider in Creative Writing. ChaptersThe Main Elements of Prose Fiction.The Main Elements of Screenwriting and Stage Writing.The Essential Features of Poetry.Other Creative Writing Skills You Need to Know.Like all artistic endeavours, there is no one skill that creative writing demands. Rather, it is a collection of lots of different skills and elements that need to hang well together.Creating a compelling character, for example, is not the same skill as writing a beautiful description of a place or action. Nor is profundity and originality of thought the same as metrical fluency or ability to rhyme.All of the different elements of creative writing require different skills â€" and to write a masterpiece they all need to coalesce, balance, and complement each other. A novel with a cracking plot can easily fall down if the characters aren’t convincing, or if the writing style is clumsy or jarring.When you are writing your own work, fiction or nonfiction, poetry or prose, you will need to ensure that you practice all of the skills that you will need to make your work a marvellous whole. And that means cracking every single one of these main elements of creative writing.So, let’s take a look at what they are â€" for your fiction writing, your poetry writing, and your playwriting. Whilst some elements are shared between forms, they feature in different ways.At the end, we’ll take a look at three of the main skills that are relevant to all of the major forms of creative writing too. Find out more in our article,  What is Creative Writing? Why not take a creative writing degree? 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Forms like the short story and the novel fall under this category, whereas prose texts such as the personal essay fall under the remit of creative nonfiction.In prose fiction, you are going to be wanting to create compelling character and engaging plots â€" enabled by convincing dialogue strong descriptive writing when it is necessary.Character Development.Some people will tell you that character development is the mos t important element of novel writing. And they wouldn’t necessarily be wrong.Characters are the things through which you propel your narrative forward, and they are vehicles through which you explore your theme. But they are more than that too: they are what make people remember books, they are what allow people to relate and empathise.Making time to think about who you want your characters to be is a crucial part of writing fiction.Plot Development.What is it that happens in your novel or piece of short fiction? A novel needs to have some forward motion, there needs to be some sort of events, conflicts, tensions, crises, and resolutions. Unless you are Samuel Beckett or Raymond Queneau, of course, who determinedly wrote books in which nothing happens.Despite this, there has to be a reason why your audience will keep reading. Plotting out the main events â€" even if these are purely cerebral happenings â€" can help you make sense of the structure of your fiction.Dialogue.Writing c onvincing dialogue in an age of realism is a notoriously difficult skill. Yet, it is one of the really crucial elements of effective fiction.The novelist, Will Self, has spoken of how, during his writing process, he would go to cafes just to listen to people talk. Listening carefully to the cadences of real speech enables you to render them well â€" whilst banal imperatives like ‘write like you talk’ are never quite as easy as they seem.Whilst writing dialogue, think about whether the speech in your fiction needs to be directly spoken, or whether it can sit indirectly in your prose.Find out how to improve your creative writing! Want to write a novel? Try a creative writing course.Descriptive Writing.Another major feature of fiction writing is writing the scenes themselves, the flesh of the world that you are creating.And one of the most important writing techniques in this is knowing what actually needs to be said. What are people wearing and where do they live? What details does your audience need to know? What can you leave out without harm? Too much irrelevant information bogs down the flow of your piece.Finally, how are you going to write this? To learn how to write well â€" in terms of the cadence, fluency, and sound of your sentences â€" is just as important as everything else here.The Main Elements of Screenwriting and Stage Writing.Now, it is a little unfair here to collapse writing for screen and writing for stage. The professional writers among you will surely have something to say about this.Yet, the difference between writing a text to be read and a text to be heard is huge â€" and if you are ju ggling both prose and drama, you’ll need to keep this in your head the whole time. Good writing in theatre or film is not the same as good writing when you are writing a novel.Dialogue.Dialogue, of course, is the main element of these texts â€" and you will need to hone your dialogue skills if you hope to stand a chance in the world of scriptwriting.A screenwriter and playwright needs to use dialogue in a different way. Dialogue is the action on stage â€" as much as it is the character. And it is much more alive than it can possibly be in a book.Character.On stage or screen, there is no way to verbally describe a character as there is in a book. You can show them, yes, or you can reveal their nature through the things that they say.A creative writer therefore needs to feed details about their character through that character’s own words, or through the words of other characters.The characters need to be more unified too â€" as they don’t have the markers that they can hide beh ind in novels.Check out our introduction to creative writing for more!The Essential Features of Poetry.You’ll see that creative writing courses split up those people interested in writing poetry from the writing program for novelists. This is because reading and writing poetry is completely different to writing fiction, or even drama: being a good novelist does not make you a good poet â€" and vice versa.In a poetry workshop you will focus on completely different things than you would in a creative writing course for fiction or creative non-fiction. In poetry, language takes on a different form, a difference as large as that between travel writing and technical writing.Metre.If you are a poet yourself, you won’t need to be told that the crucial feature of poetry is metre and rhythm. Take a writing sample from any poet in the history of English and you will see that rhythm takes centre stage.Finding a way to write both naturally and within the confines of the form is the great ne gotiation that a poet has to make, so that metrical alertness becomes second nature within the creative process.Structure and Form.Are you going to write an ode or a sonnet, a ballad or a limerick? And how do you engage with the specificities of these forms once you have made that decision? Moreover, indeed, how have you made that decision, and why?As the very essence of a poem, the form is the thing that gives the poem sense. And according to your personal poetics, you’ll give it that sense you feel most appropriate.Meaning and Symbolism.When we write poems, what happens to language? Does it become more compressed? More ambiguous? More symbolic, allusive, elusive?‘Meaning’ in the conventional sense doesn’t quite function in the same way. Language shimmers here, whilst it takes on much more of a solid form in a poem.What you are trying to say â€" or what you want the poem to be â€" matters. Someone's been busy with their creative writing...Other Creative Writing Skills You Need to Know.All of the above are elements that you will need to decide on with the form of your creative piece â€" whether a prose poem or a selection of personal essays.However there are elements of creative writing that go unseen in the finished work. These are the processes of research, planning and editing, which hold the book together and bring it into existence.Research.Research is everything that happens to a text before it is written into words. It is the ideas, the inspirations, the considerations of style, the factual details and descriptive phrases that you need to pin down and be sure of.No novel is possible without research.Planning.Planning brings together the research with the framework you will create. How is one event or idea going to follow the next one? And why? And is that the best way to do it?Editing.Once you have finished your writing, you still have more writing to do. That wr iting is what we conventionally call editing.Find out about jobs in creative writing!